GCC: Coconut Rice Fingers

We continue the rice theme in the Gutsy Cooks Club.  This week it was to “make it sweet “ and the options were so good, that it was very hard to narrow it down to just one.

I’m a die-hard fan of rice pudding – side note: one day I will post my mother’s rice pudding in order to put all the other puddings to shame out there – Of course I will do this as soon as get her to share the recipe.

But, back to rice pudding.  If you see the options, all were a variation of rice pudding.  And boy did I want to make each and everyone one of them.  It really came down between the Rice Pudding ice pops (hello!! Rice Pudding Ice Pops… show me a person that would not be jumping up and down for one of those) and the intriguing Coconut Rice Fingers.

I bet you can guest which ones I went with?

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