Chocolate Chip and Coconut Rum Cookies

Tom and I are still recuperating from our wedding.  I don’t know how couples have the energy to go on a full pack honeymoon after the wedding.  The first 2 days all we did was sleep – we had no energy to do anything else, except sleep and just huddle together in our house and not make any decisions.

We were totally exhausted.  Our brainpower is still in total shut down and slowly rebooting itself.

For the past week we have eaten sandwiches, salads, cereal and nothing else, we figure those were the easiest things to do under our clouded mind.

Yesterday, I decided that I would bake my new husband (it sounds good to say it and to type it!) his favorite cookies.  It also helped that the temperature

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Zuppa Inglese

This past Monday was Tom’s birthday.  And a couple of weeks ago as we were sitting planning “Tomfest” (as he likes to call it) I asked the question that I was dreading: “So, what do you want me to bake for your birthday?”

Notice that I did not say, “What type of CAKE you want for your birthday?”

See the cake crazy person in the relationship is me – Tom is all about pies and cooked fruit desserts.

Remember this one?

I was hoping that he did not… Because ever since I made that thing, he has been sending hints left and right for a do over.

I have been busy ignoring him.

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