I have been reading David Leite of Leite’s Culinaria since I found the great world of food blogging - about 6 year now. I follow and read a lot of food bloggers and everyone has their own style - funny, serious, informative. But David writing is just magical, his way with words is pure storytelling – when you read his post, which usually have a recipe in there, you loose yourself in it, forgetting – oh yeah, he is writing about biscuits here… he just has that ultimate ability of transporting you, his words are like a blanket that you wrap around youself for comfort. I had the pleasure of meeting him when I attended this event.
He was part of the speaker lineup and his topic was How to write Bigger, Better, More Badass Food Post. If I’m truly honest with myself, the whole trip centered in meeting this man and soaking up as much information as I could from him. And since then I have tried to follow everything he taught us that day, I can honestly say that my writing has improved.
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