ABC: Glazed Cinnamon Rolls

I started writing this post last Sunday.

This final post is not what the original post was.  The original post was much longer, full of explanations and key points and well, you know how I can ramble on and on.

Just so you know, I’m like that in real life too.

But, I was feeling it. I was in the writing “zone” - the one where it’s flowing and flowing and you are typing happily away.

Then about the third paragraph down, I stopped, because I got side tracked by a 180 pound dog tearing into the house full of soap and water.

Apparently Rufus, had gotten away from Tom during his bath time.  And that dog made sure that we knew how much he hates bath time.

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Banana Cake with Mocha Frosting and Salted Candied Peanuts

When we arrived last Monday from our Mexico vacation, both Tom and I were holding each other up – yes, were relaxed and loosed and ready to take on the world.  But having just spent most of the day traveling in ferries, transfer buses and planes, by the time we walked in our house, we were exhausted.

We both called our respective work and told them we were going to take the day off.

And we slept.

A lot.

Actually, he slept more than I.  Because, my body knows that when I have plenty of time to oversleep, my internal wake up alarm kicks in and there is nothing that stops me from waking up and not being able to fall back to sleep.  I usually go nuts trying to accomplish this, until I simply give up and get out of bed.

Then I walk around antsy all day.

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The Bake Brownies

I baked my first set of brownies when I was about 10 years old and we had just moved to the US.  We did not have anything like this dense cake in Venezuela, so upon my first taste of them, I was pretty hooked and ate A LOT of them.  And of course, like any 10 year old – my first brownie batch came from none other than a box.

I just cringe writing that.  Oh, if I could only go back in time and teach my 10 year old self a few things…

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